Objectification: Views on Gimpology

Author: Mistress Seraphique

“Bring in the gimp”

For some when they hear the word “gimp” they either think of the photo editing software or the leather, zipped hooded, mumbling thing, hidden in the cellar which Bruce Willis knocks out in Pulp Fiction, but gimps are much more than that.

Gimps are an object to be treasured and if conditioned and programmed correctly, can become an integral part of a Dominants household.

And this is where things can get a little muddled. For although a gimp is an object for use by its Dominant in anyway they wish (with prior negotiation and consent) it’s like any other object in your house; if treated badly it will become dysfunctional and eventually broken.

I’ve been talking a lot with both Dominants and self proclaimed  gimps over the past few months and what is apparent is that there are a lot more abusers than you would think possible.

A gimp, to me at least, is the ultimate submissive. Although it sits at the bottom of any slave/submissive hierarchy due to its objectification and dehumanisation, it is at the very heart a dedicated being in that it puts its own desires and needs to the side as it seeks to be an object of use. Often inanimate in its being, a gimps sole purpose is to do what it is deemed to be.

On a FL group board there was a discussion amongst gimps about what implement they would wish to be if they could be fully objectified. The answers were as you would expect. A fuck toy for its Master, a piece of furniture or as one said, a Swiss Army knife because it meant they could be of optimum use across a variety of needs. I’m not quite sure how they could turn themselves in to a cork screw but hey, who am I to argue.

But the key to be able to just “be” is having a Dominant who knows what the gimp needs, how to program it to their own likes and needs, how to help it develop in to an object of desire and use.

On the flip side of this are those who just think a gimp is a worthless being which is there to humiliate, degrade and beat. Which is ok if that’s what is agreed and wanted by both parties. However there are far too many who just see a gimp as a punchbag to be treated as having no value other than something they can use to justify their dominance or rather their machismo (unfortunately it’s mostly men who are this way).

In other words, to make an easy comparison. You have one person who takes their time to select a good quality smart tv. One which will bring it the optimum value for money as well as just that little bit more than what they have had before. Once they get it home, they make sure it’s positioned correctly, take the time the program in the channels they want, download and set up the apps for streaming etc. They will give it a once over weekly with a duster and we’ll, look after it.

On the other hand, you have someone who just grabs the nearest thing, takes it home, plugs it in and if it doesn’t do what it wants without having to give it much thought, will smack the sides of it, throw half empty beer cans at it, swear at it for being a useless piece of shit and eventually put a boot through it.

So if you are going to objectify something (or someone) make sure you look after it and take the time to get it right for what you need.

And remember just like any object, it it isn’t taken out regularly and used  it will go rusty, corrode or find it’s batteries have gone flat.


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